Wanna get a "Delicious Brand"? How in the heck do you get one? Give your business a K.I.S.S.! It stands for 'Keep it Simple and Sustainable.'
It's not enough to just have a website. You've got to be concerned with how customers perceived your message, your brand, your logo, even their products and/or services. When nothing correlates with each other it can confuse your target market ultimately making your brand identifiable.
I Know
Even I struggled with my brand and the message my business was sending. I found myself naming products and services that didn't correlate with my business. I entertained offering products and services just to make money; later finding out they weren't beneficial to my customers.
I Hear You
On this creative journey, I realized my clients needed a simple process to help grow their business online as well as get the basics on marketing platforms and techniques. They need tools that wouldn't require them to have a huge budget or know the in's and out's of html code. If you have the desire and the willingness to learn about the missing components needed to have a well-designed branded business, then getting your business brand-vicious is achievable.
It's not enough to have a web-presence or throw together an image with the name of your business. Brand-Licious is designed to meet you wherever you are in your business journey, to guide and transform your business message from BLAND to BRAND, and to help you launch + manage your own brand!
Unsure about your business online marketing?